Series Overview: Our story unfolds in a modern-day world reeling with the devastating effects of overpopulation, excessive pollution, runaway inflation and dwindling natural resources.
Pioneering advancements in human development, promise to catapult species Homo sapiens from its current state of imperfection by replacing it with species Homo deus, a scientifically perfected man, commonly referred to as a Trans-human.
Unfortunately, genetic re-engineering technologies are challenged by an unprecedented series of natural disasters, global pandemics, warring cartels, and the methodical destruction of local communities, dominated by competing mob bosses and violent turf wars.
A crisis occurs with the arrival of two extraterrestrials. Both have master visions promising idealistic human existence which paradoxically forces an irreversible life-altering choice for each individual. The question is, can there be a hell in paradise?
Preview: Morning Star Codex